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Jo is an Executive Coach and began Courage Coaching in 2016.  Courage is a central theme for Jo since reading Brene Brown’s book ‘Daring Greatly’ where she talks about having the courage to be vulnerable.  Accepting the reality that doing the courageous thing will invariably make us feel vulnerable and real growth is not possible without vulnerability, was not what Jo wanted to learn, but has been transformational in her work journey!

As a woman in mid-life herself, Jo has lived experience of menopause and the impact it can have on confidence and sense of self.

Following a discussion with a male coaching colleague about what he was seeing in his coaching practice, successful women in midlife saying things like ‘I just don’t feel as capable’ ‘I’m not going for the promotion, I don’t have what it takes any more’ ‘I’m losing it’ and ‘I just don’t know who I am any more’ Jo got curious about perimenopause and menopause and why no-one was joining the dots. 

It was at this point Jo decided to train as an Executive Menopause Coach so she can help everyone – women, men & workplaces – understand menopause and its impact more fully and take action to make a positive difference. 

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